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Category: Business Sense

8 Tips For Growing Your Business

8 Tips For Growing Your Business

Small business in America is thriving. According to the United States Census Bureau, almost half a million business applications were filed in January of 2024 alone. With the spirit of entrepreneurship flourishing, business owners want to stay as far ahead of the pack as possible, which means growth. So, how do you grow your business sustainably? Is there truly a “secret sauce” that makes a...

What Is General Liability Insurance?

What Is General Liability Insurance?

You know how many things can go wrong if you run a small business. You've probably heard the horror stories even if they haven’t happened to you personally. Whether accidental customer injuries, legal action from competitors, or any of a thousand other heartburn-inducing scenarios, the risks and pitfalls of running even a very small enterprise can keep you up at night. General liability insurance is...

The Surprising Business Risks You May Not Think About

The Surprising Business Risks You May Not Think About

Risk control consultants are the preventative care professionals of business insurance. They can help you detect potential hazards to your business’s well-being and help you understand what actions you can take to keep things healthy.Good news: Qualifying customers who have business insurance with us have access to customized risk control services. That’s just one more way we’re looking out for you. Learn more: How an ERIE Risk Control...

Guaranteed Replacement Cost for Commercial Property Owners

Guaranteed Replacement Cost for Commercial Property Owners

If you own a business, you understand the importance of safeguarding your assets. While this kind of protection addresses both liability and the personal safety and health of your staff, it also includes the substantial investment you’ve made in the commercial property that allows your business to flourish.With inflation as a priority concern, business owners who are keen to fully protect their commercial property investments...

Why Should I Consider a Business Umbrella Policy?

Why Should I Consider a Business Umbrella Policy?

As a proud business owner, it’s your job to consider the “what-ifs” for your business. Of course, you don’t want to think about the worst… but no matter how careful or cautious you and your employees are, accidents do happen – and sometimes they can be serious.If you experience a catastrophic accident, things can get costly… and fast. That’s where your ERIE agent and ERIE’s Business...